************************************************************************* How would Loebner fig 2 be changed to take into account more recent data? ************************************************************************* Figure 2 in Loebner 1989 (see :ref:`about`) is one of the main starting points for this website. How would that figure be updated to given more recent data? Some papers that may provide updates: * Paper :cite:`DeZeeuwCI+2-2021` gives a summary of multiple updates. From text: The discovery of several new connections (Fig. 1, red) highlights a previously unappreciated level of recurrence in the cerebellar circuit. Mutual inhibition of like cell types is common: Purkinje cells inhibit other Purkinje cells :footcite:`WitterL+4-2016`, molecular layer interneurons inhibit other molecular layer interneurons in a way that is spatially highly structured :footcite:`RieublandS+2-2014`, :footcite:`ArltC+HausserM-2020`, and Golgi cells inhibit other Golgi cells :footcite:`HullC+RegehrWG-2012`. At the same time, previously hypothesized connections between molecular layer interneurons and Golgi cells have been ruled out :footcite:`HullC+RegehrWG-2012`. There also is electrical coupling among molecular layer interneurons5 and among Golgi cells :footcite:`DugueGP-2009+8`. Circuitry in the granule cell layer has the potential to filter and even reverse the sign of the input from mossy fibers, especially if it incorporates the unipolar brush cells7. In some regions, collaterals from Purkinje cells contact (inhibit) granule cells and create an additional recurrent connection in the input layer :footcite:`GuoC+5-2016`. Finally, neurons in the cerebellar nuclei provide feedback to the cerebellar cortex, via a mossy fiber-like projection that is subject to plastic changes during learning9,10. * Inhibitory neurons of the cerebellar nuclei (CN) project profusely into the cerebellar cortex, where they make synaptic contacts on a GABAergic subpopulation of cerebellar Golgi cells. :cite:`AnkriL+5-2015`, :footcite:`AnkriL+5-2015`. **Cited references:** .. footbibliography::