
Notes about [BillingsG+4-2014] 1.


Guy Billings, Eugenio Piasini, Andrea Lőrincz, Zoltan Nusser, and R. Angus Silver. Network Structure within the Cerebellar Input Layer Enables Lossless Sparse Encoding. Neuron, 83(4):960–974, August 2014. URL:, doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2014.07.020, Notes: BillingsG+4-2014.html (this file).

This paper has data about the connections between mossy fibers and granule cells in mouse and analysis showing that a small number of inputs to granule cells (about 4) is most efficient for transmitting information from mossy fibers to granule cells.

Fig 2 from BillingsG+4-2014

Figure 2 in BillingsG+4-2014 [BillingsG+4-2014].

Fig 2. from BillingsG+4-2014

Fig 3 in BillingsG+4-2014 [BillingsG+4-2014].